
Discovery Campus Project Exam Theme is Announced!


Dear Students;

On Sunday, November 3, 2024, an exciting theme has been set for the Discovery Campus Project Exam:


🚀 Spacecraft Design with Solar Panels 🚀

In the exam, our students will create innovative and creative projects in line with this theme with the materials that will be presented to them. The exam will be held in 2 sessions and the session information of the students is included in the exam entrance documents.


📅 Date: Sunday, November 3, 2024


📋 What they should have with them:

-Exam Entrance Certificate

-Valid Identity Document (ID card or passport)


Please make sure that your documents are complete, otherwise you will not be admitted to the exam area. Materials will be provided by us on the day of the exam; you do not need to bring any additional materials.


We wish all our students success and look forward to seeing their creative projects!